Category: Seminary Student
Mata de Plátano: Church Planting in Honduras (Part Two)
Josué Benites is a graduate of The Seminary for Expository Preaching (SEPE) who is currently involved in two rural church plants in the department of Francisco Morazán, one being Iglesia Bautista Bethel in Mata de Plátano, and the other being Iglesia Bautista Casa de Oración in Zinguizapa – two communities an hour or so away…
Tatumbla: Church Planting in Honduras (Part One)
Alexis Oliva is a graduate of The Seminary for Expository Preaching (SEPE) who teaches Spanish Grammar and Expository Preaching at the seminary and serves on the pastoral staff of Iglesia Bautista Koinonia in Tegucigalpa, HN. Although he has been in ministry for 20 years, recently his efforts have also been focused on planting a church…
A Blessing in Disguise
Categories: Seminary StudentRoni Zelaya is a fourth-year student from the department of Olancho. His father was the pastor of the charismatic church in which he grew up, but he can no longer serve there due to doctrinal differences. He has started a business to support himself while studying at SEPE, selling Olancho’s renowned dairy products in Siguatepeque.…